+92 341 4446500



After his B.Sc. (Geography, Animals & Plants Sciences); Mohammad Shaukat did his M.Sc. (Botany); Peshawar University PK during the past 20 years, Mr. Mohammad Shaukat worked in various Project Management and Sustainable Livelihood project management positions. He has the capacity to accomplish assignments within deadlines. His expertise includes Training and Multi tasking Capacity Building, Training and Multi tasking Capacity Building, Disaster Risk Management, Shelter & WASH, He is also trained by CHF Canada and UNDP GEF Malaysia in traditional knowledge documentation and livelihoods.He worked with UN Systems, UN clusters, PHPF,  CIDA, Alliance 2015, ECHO, ONE UN DRM Program, UK Aid, , GiZ, German and Austrian Institutions, Plan Pakistan, UNDP-GEF, UNDP-PTF, German and Netherland Embassies, Fata Secretariat, NHN partners, DRR forums, NDMA, FDMA, PDMAs, HEC, Private industries, print and electronic media, government departments and Pakistan Army various sections dealing with humanitarian sector. Close working with communities and different stakeholders of FATA, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, AJK, Punjab, Sindh and Baluchistan.


He earned distinction by successfully completing projects in the highly fragile and conflict affected Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and FATA areas.