Dr. Muhammad Ashraf Tajammal is Ph. D. Plant Sciences (QAU) PK, M.Sc. Agriculture (Seed Technology), Edinburgh, U.K, M.Sc. Agriculture (Plant Breeding & Genetics), UAF. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf Tajammal with a Doctorate in Plant Sciences and backed by many foreign and local trainings is a top seed production and Seed Certification Expert in Pakistan. . He is a noted project manager and researcher. He was National Project Director (NPD) of the Special Program of Pakistan for Food Security and Productivity Enhancement of Small Farmers (Crop Maximization Project-II). He provides leadership to the project and built coordination with the federal, provincial, district Governments and other relevant stakeholders in the private sector. He used to resolve policy and operational problems of the project and other related issues. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf Tajammal also worked at grass-root level with farming communities and community organizations for interventions such as crop productivity enhancement and income generation initiatives. He worked with farmers for community mobilization, organizing them in village organizations, capacity building, establishing revolving fund at community level and its operation and building marketing linkages through organizing farmers groups and clusters. He led 11 projects in the capacity of Project Manager like Maize & Millet Grow more Scheme1975-1977, Establishment of Seed Testing Laboratory at Mingora, KPK 2002-2004, Establishment of Cultivar Adaptability Testing and Registration System 2006-2007, Establishment of Facilitation Unit for Participatory Vegetable Seed and Nursery Production program 2007-2008, Special Program for Food Security and Productivity Enhancement of Small Farmers in 1012 Villages (CMP-II) 2007-13 and many others.
More than 30 research papers published in the accredited international journals are at his credit.