Mr. Ali Amir Raza Bukhari did his Masters in Economics from Bahauddin Zakariya University – BZU, Multan in 2001. Ali Amir Bukhari is skilled in: 1. Development of Indicators, 2. Design and development of questionnaire, manuals, 3. Ability to create definitions and formulas, 4. Bridges the qualitative and quantitative Techniques, 5. Statistical Projections. is a Survey Research Expert par excellence. He has 11 years experience in responsible positions. As professional Development Economist he has been doing Cross Sectoral work in the areas of Health, Education/Literacy, Agriculture, Poverty, and Rural Development. He has been coordinating and conducting large scale surveys like Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), Current Industrial Statistics (CIS), Census of Manufacturing Industries (CMI) and Education Census. He is well aware in GPS application for effective monitoring of large scale surveys. He designs and directs all phases of Survey Research, sampling, user-friendly instrument design, interviewer training, data collection, data cleaning, statistical analysis, interpretation and presentation of research results with graphics and useful recommendations for program evaluations, needs assessments, community and public opinion research, impact evaluation and economic analysis of projects. He is especially skilled in Development of Indicators, Design and development of Questionnaires, Manuals, creation of Definitions and Formulas, bridging of Qualitative and Quantitative techniques and also Statistical Projections.