Afsheen Ashraf did Master of Science in Economics, from International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan, (2002). Again, she did another master’s in applied Labour Economics for Development from International Training Centre-ILO, Turin Italy, (2011). The award of scholarship by ILO for master’s in applied labor economics for development is first time opportunity to any Pakistani ever for such degree. Her research experience in the area of labour statistics and labour market analysis is more than eight years. Her quantitative competencies include descriptive analysis (micro data analysis using Stata), econometric modeling (using Stata), micro simulation, general equilibrium modeling (GE), social accounting matrices (using GAMS) and impact evaluation techniques (using Stata). She is well conversant with developing and improving survey and data collection instruments, data analysis and report writing. The national experience she gained working for EET project of ILO in Pakistan for LMI support to provinces to enhancing analytical capacity of LMIA units. The national experience expanded working with GIZ and Ministry of Labour Pakistan. The international experience is gained by working at the statistics department of ILO HQ working on the labour statistics issues like decent work indicators, green jobs conceptual issues, Informal employment estimates, standards on employment, unemployment indicators and ADePT labour module of World Bank database. Her international experience is further enhanced by working on ICT employment statistics in the UNCTAD joint project with ILO at HQ.