Agriculture Management Consultants (AMC) is an emerging consultancy institution which was strengthened / rejuvenated in the year 2007 to serve in the areas of Agriculture, Agriculture Extension, Horticulture, Sustainable Livelihood, Human Resource Development Training & Capacity Building, Monitoring & Evaluation of Projects, Research & Surveys, Advanced Commercial Agriculture (ACA), Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering, Resource Conservation Technologies, Precision Agriculture, Vertical Farming, Oil & Gas Process Operations and various Socio-Economic arenas, and above all we provide state of the art Technical Writing support. In addition we have rich experience in providing assistance doing projects through online workplaces of international repute like Elance Corporation of NY USA (Elance now stands merged in UPWORK Corporation). AMC conducts research and other assignments as desired or authorized by our clients. We are capable of designing and conducting Quantitative and Qualitative research both and conduct studies on prescribed scientific grounds consisting of methodology, survey/ study design, questionnaire construction, questionnaire pretesting, sampling frame, survey instruments/ tools and using analytical techniques. AMC is registered with the World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB)and is equipped with a team of highly experienced professionals in the areas of their expertise. We are based in Pakistan working as a nonprofit organization and have successfully complete 211 projects aimed at making the farming profitable, helping in reduction of poverty from planet Earth.
- The accomplished challenging assignments of the said Ministry include:
- Development of SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) for Crop Maximization Project (CMP-II) “ a Special Program of Food Security & Productivity Enhancement” a project biggest of its kind in the history of Pakistan. Helped the project by carrying out Periodic Reviews, and preparing needed Brochures, Manuals, Handbooks, Guides, Training Modules , eBooks, and Concept Papers on Public Private Partnership. Dynamic presentations for the ministry and other stakeholders were also prepared.
- A Bench Mark Survey was designed, and conducted to establish Input, Productivity & Household Food Security Level (poverty) in 102 Villages of Pakistan falling in the domain of Crop Maximization Project-II (CMP-II) and reaching 1250 respondents.
- (2010-11) SAHARA FOR LIFE TRUST, Pakistan. Provided consultancy for preparing a business plan .
- (2012-15) BIS PLUS (PVT) LIMITED.
- Provided technical and marketing services to the company to successfully formulate, manufacture and market Pakistan’s first bio-fertilizer with the registered trade name of ‘BIOTAQAT’
- Provided services for Development of Knowledge and Technology Content for the Farm Diagnostic Survey.
- (2015-16 THE WORLD BANK (STC UPI-495293)
- Served the World Bank for a research study on the assessment of Skill/Knowledge level of Agriculture Extension Officials. This was an undeclared participatory pretest. The Pretesting sample of respondents was drawn for ten field and horticultural crops including Wheat, Cotton, Rice, Sugarcane, Maize, Mango, Citrus, Potatoes, Tomatoes, and Chilies.
- Using the online workplace of Elance Corporation New York USA, 199 projects were secured by open competition and completed successfully
- These projects were of the following description:
- Agriculture, Business Management, Finance, Electronic Media and Technical Writing: 85 Projects Quality Assurance (QA) Testing in compliance with ISO and SEICMM standards : 114 Projects
- We also served many institutions dealing with agriculture in Australia for Soil surveys and Assessment of the Knowledge and the Skill levels of Farmers.
- We provided research support to many clients online in USA, UK, Ireland, Australia and Singapore.
- (1985) Conducted a Study on the feasibility and Cost of Production of ‘GUR’ (Brown Sugar) that is a sugarcane product produced at farm level in Asia. This study was carried out for the Department of Agriculture, Government of Punjab, Pakistan.
- (1984) Organized, planned, conceived and conducted the first “Census of Agriculture Produce Markets in Punjab”. The number of respondents was 2000.
- (1983) conducted a research study on the Developmental Status of Farms owned by the Families of Agriculture Graduates. The report was submitted to Department of Agricultural Education & Extension University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. The research was a landmark in the history of the University because for the first time the notorious faulty interview method was abandoned instead followed “Participant-Observer” method VERSTEHEN. Number of respondents was 125.
- (1983) After surveying the agriculture produce marketing phenomena in Punjab drafted Agriculture Produce Market (General) Rules, 1984 that were promulgated by the provincial government.
- (1982) Conducted a field survey on FARM OPERATIONS AND COST COMPONENTS OF WHEAT CULTIVATION in Jhang District of Pakistan for the Agricultural Price Commission Islamabad. The number of respondents was 600. I was leading the surveying team.
- (1979-82) Conducted a classified study “COST OF PRODUCTION OF CROPS”. The crops investigated were Wheat, Maize, Gram, Sugarcane, Rice, Cotton, Vegetables and pulses. These crop production studies were not for public information but were only for the official use of policy makers and planners. More than 3000 respondents approached were scattered throughout the Punjab province of Pakistan.

We have a proven track record of delivering high class outputs while working under pressure in areas like Agriculture, Media Study, Business Management, Financial Analysis, Technical Writing, Creative Writing, Research & Surveys, and Forecasts, Biography. I worked as freelance Consultant/expert and received great testimonials from my clients the world over. Some of the testimonials are shown below: